In Memoriam: Fr. Paschal Salisbury, OP
Please pray for our dearly departed friar.

In your gracious charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Paschal Salisbury, OP, who passed away this morning.
Fr. Paschal lived a long life of 95 years, many of which were as devoted priest and friar of St. Dominic. He was a devoted and pious prayer warrior, faithful to the Rosary and his daily office. He was well known around the Rosary Center for saying Masses for us until he could no longer climb the stairs easily, and for hearing confessions until recently, when he had a fall and became confined to a wheelchair and his bed. Many priests and religious likewise came to him for confession and guidance. A kind, patient man, we pray that he may be welcoming into his heavenly home.
We thank all of you who have helped support him through the funds for our Retired Friars, which helped keep him close to his brother Dominicans to the very end.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him!